
Monday, November 16, 2015

The Answer to Everything

There isn't another person on this planet who understands what it's like to walk in your shoes. And vice versa. Each of us are unique beings who may feel out of sorts more days than we care to count. We flood our minds with doubts, negative talk, and questions we never seem to find the answers to.

What if I told you I know the answer to every single question in the world?

Bet that would grab your attention. Why? Because,  like everyone else in the world, we want to know:

Why am I here?
Why am I alone?
Why aren't I handsome or beautiful?
Why aren't I rich and successful?
Why did s/he reject me?
Why aren't I happy?
Why did this awful [thing] happen to me?

Why can't I land an agent?
Why can't I sign with a publisher?
Why isn't my book on the best sellers list?
Why are my book sales stagnant?

Why am I a failure?

The next time you hear anything even remotely similar to any of the above, ask yourself one question. Pay particular attention to the first answer that comes to mind.

What would someone who loves themselves say?


  1. Hi Joylene - sometimes it's so difficult to pull ourselves out of our own morass ... but each of us has so much to offer ... a smile, a word of praise, or thanks ... and then "I love you" whether we say it to ourselves, or to others ... turn the tide and join us .. cheers Hilary

  2. I agree, Hilary. So, I designated this month as BE LOVING TO YOURSELF.
    Cheers, my friend.

  3. We are the ones that can answer ourselves and love ourselves indeed.

  4. A wonderful post with a great message. We are the only ones who can answer those questions. Loving and respecting ourselves can be difficult, but it's so important. Great theme for the month! :)

  5. They wouldn't ask any of those questions expecting a negative answer, that's for sure!

  6. If we don't love us how can we love others?

  7. This is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you, Joylene, for this lovely reminder to love ourselves and respect ourselves. We all make mistakes. We've all made choices that have led us away from the path we THOUGHT we'd end up taking. BUT if we are present and pay attention, we'll realize that the path we are on is exactly where we need to be. There are always people around us who we can help, who we can lift up from their troubles because we've been there, done that. The key is to keep walking and keep reminding ourselves we are here to learn to love and to help others.

    Happy Monday!

  8. @Pat, Christine, Alex, Diane, and Jen, thanks so much. Glad this post resonates.

  9. Aren't we the hardest on ourselves? I am kind to others, but myself, not so much. In fact, I'm unforgiving.

    Don't even ask me what I say if I spill milk. :) At least I don't kick my dog. Well...not on purpose.

  10. You're making me do some deep thinking for a Monday. I'm at a point when most of the answers are easy.

  11. Thanks for this, Joylene. One of the hardest things we are challenged to do is love ourselves. We associate that with selfishness and out-of-control egos, but it really depends on us recognizing the difference between a self centred kind of love and the biblical version of agape love ... the kind that seeks the well-being of others above self. I think the happiest, most secure people I know are the ones who are less focused on themselves and care more for others, even if the idea seems contradictory.

  12. Wow. You got deep for this post. =)

  13. What one person can do another can do or translated into trekease - Make it so!

  14. I thought the answer to all the questions was 42 :)

    But this one works too.

  15. Everyone, appreciate you dropping by. Remember to check out IWSG's pages. There are many resources for writers.

  16. Lots of things to ponder...
    BE LOVING TO YOURSELF month. I like the sound of it.
    Thank you, Joylene.

  17. I think I've asked myself those questions plenty of times. Never come up with answers. I'm lucky I base my self-love on *who* I am and not what I've accomplished.

  18. How beautiful and heartfelt. BE LOVING TO YOURSELF Month sounds fabulous. Thank you for posting this.

  19. Lovely message. Thank you!

  20. Well-said! You have to love yourself!

  21. I've asked myself these kinds of questions, but not for long. I sound too whiny after a while. But it's sure good to know I'm not alone out here with those questions. Now I'm going to give myself a hug and see what the day holds. Thanks, Joylene.

  22. Wow, I said, that last one is a killer. Good, I needed that. Thanks.
