
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Writing Resources - K - Written? Kitten!

Welcome to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website! Our A to Z Challenge theme – Writing Resources!

This writing resource is for all of my cat lovers out there. :)

But don’t worry dog or bunny lovers. You can get in on this too!

Do you need motivation to reach your word count?

Written Kitten is a simple website that awards you for writing by giving you pictures of kittens (or puppies or bunnies). All you have to do is select what cute animal picture you’d want, how often, and then start writing in the text box they provide. Whenever you reach your word count goal, they’ll give you a kitten picture to boost your motivation to keep writing.

Just as you can change your preference from kitten to either puppy or bunny, you can also change the word count from 100 to 200, 500 or 1,000.

The images come from Flickr’s “most interesting” photos of the cuddly animal you select.

This is a great website for writers using NaNo too. It keeps track of your word count, saves your work if you have the appropriate web browser, and is a fun motivator.

FYI: Don’t be disappointed when you select puppy or bunny and you still get a cat picture after your first 100 words. It’ll change with your next 100 words. Same goes if a picture doesn’t show up at first. Just keep writing!

I tested it out. It works!


  1. Hi Chrys - what a fun site ... should amuse many a blogger or struggling child perhaps .. inspiring them on - so the picture changes .. Cheers Hilary

  2. Now that is funny. Hey, whatever motivates someone!

  3. lol if it works it works. Fun indeed

  4. That's adorable! Hey, whatever works to motivate you, I say go for it!

  5. What is it about kittens that always seems rewarding? What a great idea that site is. I might have to go over there and try for a kitten or two.

  6. I hear of this one often. I need to start using it. lol

  7. @Sarah, kittens can motivate many. :)

    @C Lee, it's because they're so gosh darn cute!

    @Em-Musing, I fell in love with this site when I found it. lol

  8. Is this supposed to replace the real live cat who lays on my lap and gets in the way of my keyboard? LOL

  9. Puppy and kitten pictures are a great motivation to get that word count in!

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  10. @Deborah, really?

    @Megan, haha. I have four of those real live cats who do the same.

    @Alyssa and @Juneta, glad you liked it.

    @Patrica, very motivational.

  11. Wow that is adorable. I am going to check that out.

  12. What a great idea. This would work great for me if the photos were of Sci.Fi. movies. LOL
    Have a TITANIC day today.

  13. What an excellent idea. Too bad they couldn't hand deliver donuts when you reached your quota.

  14. Hi! I've been using Written Kitten for years and love it--but this morning the site is gone!

  15. Written Kitten is my favourite online writing aid! It keeps me motivated and cheery and writing. It's so disappointing to see it gone. :(

  16. I'll have to try it just for fun!

    So unique!

  17. Substitute those adorable kitties for dolphins...and I'm totally in!!
    Writer In Transit
