
Monday, April 27, 2015

A to Z Challenge - W is for Work In Progress

As a writer, I am a work-in-progress, always learning, constantly growing, forever evolving... challenging myself to take the next step... not to be afraid of failure.

I am not the writer I was yesterday, nor the one I will become tomorrow.
Some writers are on a slow track. I am one of those “slow-trackers” *raises hand*
Others seem to have outdistanced the rest of us.
The truth is, we all work at our own pace.
But we never stop growing, learning, moving along...

Eventually, everyone will cross the finish line.
What is the finish line, anyway?
We cannot even see the finish line.
Nor do we know what the finish line even is.
It differs for each individual. But that’s a conversation for another day...

I wonder if I will ever cross that finish line?
The thing is, I will NEVER stop learning. I’ll be a work-in-progress until the day I take my final breath...


  1. Hi Michelle ... yes we're all WIPs ... and as long as we keep learning, show we're interested our WIPs will keep getting better ... Good Luck - you will Win through .. cheers Hilary

  2. I think we cross the finish line the day we die because we'll always be changing and growing. Or at least, we should be.

  3. We are either learning and growing or we're dying and going backwards.

  4. Yes! I think it so important to never stop learning and growing.

  5. I think it's so important to realize we're always learning and growing. It's helps us be better people.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  6. a bit philosophic today, but point taken

  7. It only takes looking back at earlier work to see how much I've learned as a writer. Need to keep at it.

  8. It's important to realize that we're always growing and changing. We're all works in progress!

    My latest post for the Blogging A to Z Challenge.

  9. Yea, we are all WIP's! Growing and learning is key to progress :)

  10. Do you mind sharing the slow track? I prefer it out here where I can see and enjoy the sights as I pass.

  11. You made some good points.... but what is the "finish Line"...???
    (other than "Death")

  12. Wonderful post, Michelle. I feel the same way. A work-in-progress. Happy to be here learning.

  13. There are other things in life besides writing. I love learning and growing too and sometimes that takes precedence over writing. Great post!

  14. Hands up from this 'slow poke' with an insecurity complex. But I know I must be learning as a writer... and as a w-reader.

  15. I certainly hope to cross my finish line.

  16. Yeah, I'm on the slow track, too, but I'm having a great time!

  17. I'm a work in progress too. We are all though, I think. It's important to keep learning and growing - it's the only way we're going to get better.

  18. we can't even see what is beyond the bend of the road, let alone the finish line... ;)

  19. Thank you to all who visited/left a comment!

  20. I'm a slow tracker as well. And like my aunt likes to say, "keep going." That's all we can do (and I'll be right behind you but maybe not that close).
