
Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for Determination

Do you believe you can do anything you set your mind to? Do you act as if you really believe this?

If you're starting your journey as a writer, knowing what you want to achieve and how you're going to get to your goal is half the battle won. The other half lies in digging in and doing the work.

Many of us jump into various projects without doing the research and finding out how much time will be consumed as we work toward our goal post. Being focused and dedicated will help us succeed, but determination is what will ensure that we struggle through the challenges and uphill slogs that  characterize the life of a writer. 

Even if you find yourself slacking, get into the habit of pushing yourself to get back to the job at hand before you lose too much ground.

So we're on day four of the Challenge. If you haven't written your posts yet, you still have time to try and cover some ground to free up more time for visiting. Don't forget to try and visit at least five new blogs today!


  1. Determination will get the job done

  2. I'm determined to get some posts written and "scheduled" for next week.

  3. Writing posts and visiting blogs beats straightening up the house. lol

  4. That's my philosophy too, Pat.

    Me too, Susan. :)

    So true, Ann.

  5. Determination is key. Sometimes life does give you twists, but if you keep your focus on the goal, you can do it!

  6. Wonderful choice of word.Determination is crucial.

  7. If we lack determination, it won't matter what else we possess. We won't make it.

  8. Determination is why I'm still writing. It's been a bumpy journey for me at times, and more than once, I've wondered if I made the right choice. I kept going through. Maybe it's more stubbornness than determination. LOL

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  9. I'm determined to find some more super blogs to follow.

  10. Determination gets me going, but it is stubbornness that helps me finish.

  11. Determination is my middle name!

  12. Working on my five new ones. My fingers are flying over the keys!

  13. Managing to keep up the pace. Determined to get ahead on the post-writing tomorrow. Nice post.


  14. This is an interesting concept - I'm in a physical writers group that gives me a good kick up the backside and keeps me going, although novel 2 has lapsed a bit - David - Brits in the USA -

  15. Hi Joy - decide to be determined and do what needs to be done ... so true .. cheers Hilary

  16. Catching up with determination :-)
    Listing the new blogs I've visited during the first four days so I'll always remember them and visit for inspiration throughout the year.
    Then some editing and planning the six entries for next week. A writer's work is never done :-)

    Anne at

  17. Determination adds confidence and inspiration. Thanks, Joy.

  18. Determination, persistence, and consistence will get it done.

  19. Great choice for D!
    Determination is all about will power - taking control of your mind, and forging ahead!

  20. Love it! You must be determined!!!!

  21. Determination. Yes, I believe in that.

    Determination will help set aside your fears and help us with the challenges. Great post, J.L. Campbell!

    Oh, I'm just here to visit and wish you lots of luck with the challenge. Didn't join the A-to-Z challenge this year. Maybe next year.

  22. This is very true. I've always been a stoic person about even the things I'm passionate about. I have to dredge up some determination!

  23. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, guys!
