About Us


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a website media business with affiliates to enhance our service to visitors. We are a home for writers in all stages, from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.


Alex J. Cavanaugh, the founder, noticed a lot of blog posts from writers mentioning their doubts, concerns, and lack of confidence. He also saw the positive replies they received and realized that the writing community offered an abundance of support. Writers want to see other writers succeed, which is how he came up with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. This group would act as a form of therapy, letting writers post about situations where they need encouragement, or to offer words of encouragement to others if they have experience.

On September 7, 2011, Alex launched the monthly blog posting of the IWSG and it has been going strong ever since.

On the first Wednesday of every month we share of thoughts about writing on our blogs. We also have an optional monthly question to assist with member's posts, which can be found on the Sign-Up page.


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group has grown since conception. Over 130 people are a part of the blogging community that posts on the first Wednesday of every month, known as IWSG Day. This website has become a database of all that is writing-related, linking to thousands upon thousands of other sites and databases.

The group has expanded beyond blogging into other forms. We have a Facebook Group with 5000+ members, an Instagram group with 1200+ followers, and a Twitter account with 12,100 followers. Our free monthly newsletter, which has featured industry experts like Jane Friedman and Sandra Beckwith, has 700+ subscribers. We have an IWSG Goodreads Book Club as well.

For several years now, we’ve run a Twitter pitch event, #IWSGPit, every January. Many writers have signed with a publisher or agent as a result.

We offer two free guides for writers: The Insecure Writer’s Support Group’s Guide to Publishing and Beyond and The Insecure Writer’s Support Group’s Guide to Writing for Profit. Our anthology contests have produced such titles such as Parallels: Felix Was Here, Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life, Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime, Masquerade: Oddly Suited, Voyagers: The Third Ghost, Dark Matter: Artificial, and First Love: The Art of Making Doughnuts.

We even have our own merchandise which include pens, magnets, and a T-shirt! All profits from those sales goes into paying for the domain and IWSG site. Otherwise, it’s all volunteer-run and with no ads.

Alex and the seven other administrators are actively pushing the group to greater heights. Nothing is impossible when insecure writers band together.


"You could spend weeks searching for smart resources for writers...or you could just head over to the IWSG. Not only does the site connect you with reputable, valuable expertise, they also provide an essential component of growth: support and encouragement." – Elizabeth S. Craig, author for Penguin Random House

“Social Media can be like the Wild West—full of bad guys and hostile tribes—often without a lawman in sight. That's why I advise new writers to find an online community where they can be safe. The Insecure Writers Support Group is always at the top of my list. Besides being a wonderful source of information, the IWSG has group blogging challenges to expand your network, and the anthologies are full of excellent advice. Alex and co. run a tight ship where new writers always feel welcome. You can find moral support, beta readers, and the writing and publishing tips you need to launch and sustain your writing career.” – Anne R. Allen, author of How to Be a Writer in the E-Age

“The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is one of the most supportive writing groups around, both to help authors and aspiring authors grow as writers and to support each other in our personal lives, especially when someone is going through a difficult time. IWSG just keeps getting better and better with its newsletter and opportunities, like the chance to have a short story published in the IWSG Anthology. I am so grateful for this group and recommend that other writers join it all the time.” -Natalie Aguirre, professional non-fiction writer and blogger at Literary Rambles

Contact us: admin AT insecurewriterssupportgroup.com


Founder of the Insecure Writer's Support Group:

Alex J. Cavanaugh
Writing Tips / IWSG List / IWSG Books  

Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design, graphic and technical editing. He's a musician and plays guitar in a Christian rock band. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Author of the Amazon Best Selling Cassa series and Dragon of the Stars.


M. Louise Barbour
Conferences, Workshops, Publications / Marketing

Louise is a writer and blogger who lives with her husband Terry in Colorado. Born in Nova Scotia and raised throughout Eastern Canada, she is now a proud Canadian American. She has written nonfiction throughout her careers in petroleum geology and teaching and in her work as a union leader. She has also published short stories in both the US and Canada. Her love of reading, photography, geology, and travel rounds out her enthusiastic embrace of life.
blog, Facebook, Instagram

Pat Hatt

Pat Hatt is a writer who more often than he likes poses as an accountant, car salesman, mailman, or one of 22 other jobs he’s had to pay the bills. With over 100 published written works, he continues to strive to create in any genre that strikes him. He enjoys learning more about the craft of writing and learning in general. He is owned by two cats, one of which has his own rhyming blog, and he resides wherever he is at when you are reading this. When not writing, working, or being used as a scratching post, he can be found at the gym, playing volleyball, or enjoying a good movie, show, or book.
Blog, Amazon

Juneta Key
Instagram / Newsletter

She write SPECULATIVE FICTION, and loves fantasy and all its subgenres, the paranormal, mythological and space opera. In 2019, she entered into a partnership with another Indie author as co-owner of Stormdance Publications, to create fun, quality themed anthologies, especially about grumpy old gods. She’s one of seven founders of the Storytime Quarterly Blog Hop founded in 2015.
Website Facebook Twitter Stormdance Publications Storytime
Newsletter Contact Juneta Key

C. Lee McKenzie
Media Relations

I love to write for young readers, and I write both young adult and middle grade fiction. I fall into the hybrid author category with four traditionally published young adult novels--Sliding on the Edge, The Princess of Las Pulgas, Double Negative and Sudden Secrets--and three self-published middle grade adventure/fantasies. Sign of the Green Dragon is my third Indie. Alligators Overhead and the sequel, The Great Time Lock Disaster were my first two. It’s fun to know both sides of this writing business. Italia Gandolfo represents my young adult books.

Substack (my new place)
WP Website

Michelle Wallace
Facebook Groups

Michelle Wallace is a writer-in-the-making who has embarked on a never-ending journey; a lover of flash fiction who dreams of writing and publishing a mystery/suspense/thriller story, one day in the not-too-distant-future... As a multi-colored rainbow nation child of God, she embraces an optimistic-realistic life view and believes in a good and honest work ethic. Her many titles include songbird, entertainer, pianist and educator. 

L. Diane Wolfe

Professional Speaker & Author. Known as “Spunk On A Stick,” Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association. She conducts seminars on book publishing, promoting, leadership, and goal-setting, and she offers book formatting and author consultation. She is the author of seven books, including two non-fiction titles and a NA/YA series, The Circle of Friends. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains numerous websites and blogs, and contributes to several other sites and newsletters.


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