Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IWSG Post Day and Just What is the IWSG?

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the May 7 posting of the IWSG are Mark Koopmans, Joylene Nowell Butler, Elsie, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

We just came off the A to Z Challenge. Some of you have been following along and some are new to this website. The IWSG is three things:

1 – A blogging support group - The first Wednesday of every month is the official post day. Members post their insecurities, frustrations, and concerns, and others stop by to offer encouragement and advice. Every member who actively participates and visits others benefits and becomes a blessing to the group.

2 – A database of information this site is filled with information. Topics include writing tips; publishers, agents, and queries; self-publishing; marketing; contests; publications; and services. We also post information to help writers every Monday with a guest post from a top person in the industry once a month.

3 – A Facebook group - The IWSG is now also on Facebook. Members can ask questions and get instant feedback. There are themes for certain days, including Motivational Monday, Wow it’s Wednesday, Fun Friday, and News & Promo Saturday. A thousand members strong, it’s a great way to connect, find answers, and spread news.

So there are several ways you can get involved – and ways we can serve you. As the IWSG continues to grow, we hope you are along for the ride.

What insecurity plagues you today? How can we help?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi to all IWSG members and to this month's hosts .. very good short pertinent post .. simple, effective and made me sit up and note your tabs ...

Congratulations to everyone who finished the A-Z Challenge 2014 ..

Thanks everyone .. I'm not a member but I read ... IWSG is social media for me .. but I may jump that hurdle in the days ahead .. cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to decide how many WIPs I want to juggle. If I should seek out an additional CP to torment. Or do I leave things as is, but what fun is that?


co-host IWSG

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to be back along for the ride. I missed this group during my break. I look forward to contributing more in the months ahead and getting further involved in the group. Everyone who has ever commented on my posts has been a huge encouragement to me and I always find posts that say exactly what I either needed to hear that day OR were what I was trying to say in my own post!

There are so many awesome people in this blog-group!! I'm very happy to be a small part of it again :)


Nicki Elson said...

I know I'm missing the boat by not being more active on Facebook, but I just cannot get comfortable with that place...hrm, perhaps that's an insecurity to explore at some point during IWSG...

Christine Rains said...

IWSG is a fantastic group. I've got querying insecurities today. Yikes!

Lauren said...

I've posted every month (albeit, sometimes later in the day) but somehow I got dropped from the list. Should I post by a particular time?

Pat Hatt said...

A great group indeed, but facebook, pffft don't use that thing at my feed

Fundy Blue said...

I'm pretty erratic on Facebook, but I did head over and leave a comment. Have a happy day everyone!

Chrys Fey said...

I'm so glad I found the IWSG last year because I love it and don't know what I would do with it. :)

Unknown said...

Today I'm not insecure. I'm lazy. Got any helpful suggestions for that?? I REALLY need to get motivated. Deadlines loom...

On another note, so glad to have you all. Hugs & happy hump day!

cleemckenzie said...

I decided to kick Insecurity out this morning and just move ahead. Next month it will probably be a whole different story.

Tui Snider said...

It's my first time posting an IWSG update. I look forward to mixing and mingling!

I'll be dipping into the #IWSG tag on Twitter a bunch, but I don't let myself get on Facebook until I've hit my daily writing goals... which means I don't usually make it on there until dinner - if at all!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Mine isn't huge, but it's still bugging me. My publisher is sadly taking way too long publishing the sequel to Broken But Not Dead. I'd like to light a fire under him, but I don't he'd appreciate it. I think that is my biggest complaint. Publishers today seem to think we owe them something. It used to be the other way around.

Sher A. Hart said...

Oh, I'm not as late to the party as I thought. I posted something to help writers this time. Not that I don't have a ton of insecurities, but I decided not to fight the mothering instinct--considering I'm old enough to be many writers' grandma! I posted the first step to make a manuscript convert to ebook and look good (consistent formatting) on different digital reading devices.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Thanks for co-hosting today and for visiting my blog. I appreciate your thoughts.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, torture more critique partners - it's fun!

Jen, we are glad you're back!

Nicki, I'm not even on Facebook...

Lauren, as long as it's the same day, you're fine. Sorry you got bumped - just sign up again.

Terri, I can teach you how to be even lazier...

Tui, welcome!

Joylene, you could tell him you have someone else who is interested...

Sher, we need encouragement as well!

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex,

It's great to have a place where like-minded people can air their frustrations. On the basis of that alone, the group will grow from strength to strength.

Anonymous said...

It's a great group :-)

sjp said...

Pretty sure I've never seen a bad word about this group! It's a great way to order the chaos, see the obstacles head and realise they didn't look so tough after all :)

kaykuala said...

Hi Alex!
It's a helping hand most appreciated Hank is happy to be here and has some questions. To team members,keep at it! Thanks!


Michelle Wallace said...

I'm excited about the creative editing process... but anxious about getting back into "normal" writing mode.
Not sure if my brain will be able to handle both processes at once... LOL

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Excellent site. Love Alex's post on how to get the most from a .99 book sale.

adhi das said...

I appreciate ur views and ideas..IWSG is a lovely group and let it ever glow! Smiles:))