Today we have two exciting announcements!
We welcome Chrys Fey to the admin team! PLUS we have a newsletter!
Chrys has been working hard behind the scenes to get the newsletter up and
The Insecure Writer's
Support Group Newsletter will feature
articles by industry experts, IWSG members, and administrators. There will also
be a dozen links to helpful articles for writers in each edition, as well as a
special Member Spotlight. Even if you're not a member of the blogging group,
you'll greatly benefit from these FREE
monthly newsletters.
The first issue goes
out on February 24th.
Sign up link - :
Those who are part of the IWSG
monthly blogging are already signed up.
* * *
Also welcome two bloggers, Misha Gericke and Rachel Morgan,
who are here to share their Wattpad experiences.
Misha’s Experience
I actually joined Wattpad in 2013, but only really took the
time to figure out what to do with it a year later. I basically decided to try
it out after hearing a talk about it on NALitChat and have been doing my thing
there ever since.
I like Wattpad, but it might not be everyone’s thing. The
biggest issue, I think, is that it’s a free platform, but more than that, it’s
a free platform with millions of stories competing with yours. So it seems that
the two things put together leads to people not realizing the site’s potential.
At the same time, it’s really hard for me to explain how to
succeed at Wattpad. The first thing you need to do is commit to a strategy, but
that strategy depends on what you want. Some people only want to get some
exposure for their story. Others want critiques. Others want a combination of
the two.
There is, however, one piece of advice you’ll need to know
regardless of what you want: Be social. And by that, I mean more than going
around and following people. (In fact, it seems to be distinctly useless to follow
people unless you want to read updates about them.) So if you want people to
know about you? Go read and comment on their stories. Or be active on the club
forums. Or join a book club. Or offer critiques. Or…. You know, figure out what
you can do to offer some members of the community something they want.
Which means that (other than writing a damn good story)
you’re going to have to put in a lot of work. I believe that the effort is
worth it, but, again, it depends on what you want from the platform.
Bio: Misha Gericke lives in the Western Cape, South
Africa, where she’s busy working on her next shiny idea. If you’d like to get
in touch, you can visit her blog (, tweet her (@MishaMFB) or check her
out on Wattpad (MishaMFB)
Rachel’s Experience
time in the first half of 2013, I joined Wattpad and uploaded the first five
chapters of The Faerie Guardian (Creepy Hollow #1) in the hopes of
enticing new readers to check out the full book and the rest of my YA fantasy
series. Then, having plenty of other social media platforms to keep up with, I
forgot all about Wattpad!
number of months (and minimal reads, votes and comments) later in January 2014,
Wattpad asked me if I’d be interested in having The Faerie Guardian put
onto their Featured Stories list. This would give it far more exposure to many
more readers on the Wattpad site. The catch? I would have to upload the
complete story and leave it on Wattpad for at least six months. At that point The
Faerie Guardian ebook was not free, so I assumed this feature would lead to
decreased sales of this particular book. I decided it might be worth it though,
if the increased exposure could result in more readers purchasing the remaining
books in the series.
the feature began, the reads and votes for the book shot up, and comments
filled my inbox. I replied to as many as I could, and suddenly Wattpad became so
much fun! Getting to see readers’ in-the-moment reactions to one’s story isn’t
an experience we authors often get, and I loved this reader-author interaction.
now been almost two years since that Wattpad feature, and The Faerie
Guardian has over 1.4 million reads and 35,000 votes on the Wattpad
site. There’s no way of knowing how many of those reads have led to sales, but
I consider the exposure to thousands of readers completely worth it.
The Wattpad community doesn’t seem to overlap much with the customers who
browse Amazon, iBooks and other retailers. Despite making my book freely
available on Wattpad, there was no decline in sales of this book.
Contact Wattpad and ask if they'd be willing to put your book onto the
Featured Stories list for a period of time.
DO interact with readers who leave comments on your books (unless
they’re negative and unhelpful!).
YA fiction works well, since many Wattpad readers are teens.
Be prepared for the (very few) readers who get upset when they reach the
end of your book and find that it’s part of a series and they have to pay to
read the rest of it.
Bio: Rachel Morgan is a South African
author who spent a large portion of her childhood living in a fantasy land of
her own making. She is the author of the bestselling Creepy Hollow series, and
the lighthearted contemporary romance Trouble series. You can find her online
at her blog,
or you can tweet her @AuthorRMorgan.
you on Wattpad? Do you have some Wattpad advice to share with our members? Signing up for our newsletter? Wouldn't you like to be a featured member in the Member Spotlight section of the newsletter?
Good Morning,
I find the expansion of the vision for the IWSG absolutely fantastic. It is encouraging to see that the group grows not only in number of participants but also in presenting a platform that helps each writer reach his or her potential. Really glad to be a part of this group.
Thus, today's article presents two new things that I am interested in. I am also a member of Wattpad and have let it slip during participating in NaNo because I really didn't know how to maximise it to my benefit. I will now get back into it and I also look forward to the Newsletter.
Finally, congratulations, Chrys on becoming the newest member of the admin team. All the best.
If only I had something to sacrifice to Wattpad! But I don't. And I don't have the time to devote to another social site, especially one that involves so much reading. Bummer.
Welcome, Chrys! The group is going to be amazed when they see what you've done with the newsletter.
I've tried out Wattpad a few times, but just don't have the time to commit to it. And without that commitment, it is a largely pointless (and readerless) endeavour in my experience. Plus, if you're not writing YA, or something that appeals to that demographic, it's a bit of an uphill battle before you even start. I know it works great for many, but it's just not for me. Looking forward to the newsletters though!
My publisher snaps up most of what I write so I don't have anything to share on Wattpad.
Congratulations and welcome to Chrys. The newsletter is so exciting.
Thank you, Michelle, administrators, and commenters for the lovelly welcome! I am so excited to be an admin and to have the chance to work on this newsletter.
I've never used Wattpad. If I had more time, I'd consider testing it out but I have too many other things to juggle.
Thank you, Michelle, administrators, and commenters for the lovelly welcome! I am so excited to be an admin and to have the chance to work on this newsletter.
I've never used Wattpad. If I had more time, I'd consider testing it out but I have too many other things to juggle.
Hooray for Chrys joining the team! Looking forward to the newsletter.
Thanks for this insight into Wattpad, Misha & Rachel. It reminds me of the fanfiction experience, which was a LOT of fun but a huge time suck. Wattpad definitely seems like a great place to be for YA writers.
Congrats Chrys. Yeah, I've contemplated Wattpad, but I really don't need, or want lol, my time sucked away by something else.
Congratulations Chrys! I'm excited about the newsletter!
I haven't used Wattpad, but I might have to give it a try.
Hi Michelle - it's amazing that another year has gone by and the A-Z is almost here. I don't do the IWSG - but have signed up for the newsletter .. having Chrys on board is really good news ...
Elizabeth Spann Craig has written loads about her experiences with Wattpad - might be worth checking her out - she's one of our extended family of bloggers and authors ... however I can't find the 'search' field on her blog?! but the above links you across ..
Cheers Hilary
Wow, IWSG is sure growing. I can't wait to sign up, sweet buddy. I thought I'd wait until I'm querying. What say you? Congrats to Chrys and all of the administrators. Wattpad? I signed up and never did anything with it. Mostly because of time constraints concerning hospital visits.
Interesting information about Wattpad. I've not dabble in it yet.
Congrats to Chrys. Looking forward to seeing the newsletter.
Great news about the newsletter.
It was also interesting to read about your Wattpad experiences. I have a few stories there as well, although, I'm not really social there. What I noticed about wattpad is that the readers there like longer stories. A short story doesn't generate much interest, but a novella I posted there by chapters has already got over 800 reads. Another novella - my translation from Russian of my favorite Russian writer - got over 1000 reads, and the number is climbing.
A note of complaint: I subscribe to this site and I got an email about this post, but most of the email after the first couple sentences was gibberish. I had email notifications from this site before, and I could always read them fine in the email. Something you did here was different, and not in a good way. :(
I've heard great things about Wattpad but I've not tried it yet.
Welcome, Chrys!
You guys rock this writing world!! This has been a great site to be a part of.
Wattpad can be a great way to get more exposure for our books. I second the recommendation for getting on the Featured Stories list. Helpful, also, to post the same day each week, post only a chapter at a time (less, if the chapter is lengthy), and putting a call to action at the end of each chapter to ask readers to subscribe to our newsletter or to purchase the next book (or the one being uploaded) online.
Signed up! Off to spread the word :)
Thanks for the info on Wattpad!
I have a couple short stories on Wattpad, but haven't done much more. I've heard you need to interact, but finding time is tough. I'm not too big on reading on my laptop either, so that keeps me from finding stories to read. I really ought to change that and make use of it more.
Welcome to Chrys! :) Thanks so much for these tips for Wattpad. I'm considering putting a story on there this year. I already follow some writer friends who put up their stories, but I haven't done much browsing of other people's.
Thanks again, Michelle, for asking me to share a bit about my Wattpad experience! I think the number one problem for people is that it's yet another time suck ...
Congrats to Chris on getting the newsletter up and running and joining the admin team!
My guest host Phyllis Zimbler Miller has advocated for Wattipad for some time now. She was the one who first brought it to my attention. The one and only reason I've stayed clear is the time factor. As you've both indicated it's a job. You need to be sociable and connect with readers as often as possible. I'm honestly not sure I can do that right now with my schedule of writer shops, editing jobs, writing, IWSG, and etc. etc.. I don't know how the rest of you do it. Unless you're managing on 4 hours of sleep a night.
Yay for Chrys joining, and yay for the newsletter!
I've never tried Wattpad. It sounds like a good thing if you have the time to commit to it.
Welcome once again, Chrys!
It's great to have Chrys on board.
Thank you for sharing with us, Rachel.
Wattpad is definitely a lot of work, but I enjoy it, so it's okay for me. I don't enjoy having a Facebook Author page, yet some people swear by it. To each his own, I believe. :-)
Congrats Chrys.
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Thank you for all you are doing, looking forward to the newsletter and it's on my birthday!
This is my second time on Wattpad. Signed up before and completelyrics forgotten about it. Was under the naive assumption that once I'm signed up I'll get readers just like that, with a snap of my fingers. Mischa and Rachel are right, Wattpad requires being social with the readers and on the forums and clubs. And the direct experience of having a reader loving and commenting on your story can't be beat. If you write YA and romance, but not already on Wattpad, then you should give it a try.
I'm on Wattpad @Stephsco but have not posted any of my own work. I've mainly been reading and making some friends over there. I'd like to have my publisher work with WP for my release, esp since my YA is digital only. I've talked to authors who've succeeded in sales thru WP and others who have angry fans who don't want to pay to finish a book that starts out with free first few chapters. I get the anger, so I am hoping to put up some original content but still have a preview of my paid book when the time comes.
The #Wattpad4 twitter chat Monday nights is fantastic! It's very interactive, with a writing related topic every week. It's moderated and has lots of people joining in.
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