Purpose: To share and encourage.
Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or
weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance.
It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG
Optional Question for Today: How has being a writer changed your experience as a reader?
The awesome co-hosts for today are Misha Gericke, Christy LK Hill, Juneta Key, and Joylene Buter!

C. Lee McKenzie has just joined our team on Monday as our Media Relations Specialist. Welcome, C. Lee!

Heather M Gardner joined our team earlier this month to take over the Conferences Page. Welcome, Heather!
C. Lee McKenzie has just joined our team on Monday as our Media Relations Specialist. Welcome, C. Lee!
Please help us to give our newest blog hop sign-ups a warm
welcome, IWSG style. Let’s visit their blogs and show them some love today.
Do you want to show the world that you're insecure and proud? Well, now you can! The IWSG has started a merchandise store. Right now we have pens, magnets, and T-shirts available. Check out our store!
Do you want to show the world that you're insecure and proud? Well, now you can! The IWSG has started a merchandise store. Right now we have pens, magnets, and T-shirts available. Check out our store!
Hero Lost
Mysteries of Death and Life
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
Can a lost hero find redemption?
What if Death himself wanted to die? Can deliverance be found on a bloody battlefield? Could the gift of silvering become a prison for those who possessed it? Will an ancient warrior be forever the caretaker of a house of mystery?
Delving into the depths of the tortured hero, twelve authors explore the realms of fantasy in this enthralling and thought-provoking collection. Featuring the talents of Jen Chandler, L. Nahay, Renee Cheung, Roland Yeomans, Elizabeth Seckman, Olga Godim, Yvonne Ventresca, Ellen Jacobson, Sean McLachlan, Erika Beebe, Tyrean Martinson, and Sarah Foster.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these twelve tales will take you into the heart of heroes who have fallen from grace. Join the journey and discover a hero’s redemption!
Release Date: May 2, 2017
Here at the IWSG, we love to give our members opportunities. We have done this with the IWSG Guidebook and our Annual Anthology Contest. But we have even more opportunities for you to take advantage of, such as our Facebook Group (to build connections and get advice) and our monthly newsletter which features a member article in each issue.
On IWSG Day, we pin a badge to the group where members can share links to their IWSG posts and get more visits. Who wouldn't want to benefit from that?
We also have fun Wednesday posts you can take part in: Wacky Words, Wordsmith Tales, and Silly Mistakes.
Need advice? Have a question? Seeking a critique partner? Feel free to use our Facebook group!
We only ask that you DO NOT post PROMO to the main wall. We have a Friday News & Promo badge for members to share a promo from the week. :)
Would you like to be featured in our newsletter? We have 600+ subscribers, so this is a great opportunity and something for you to add to your publishing resume. Follow the instructions below to submit an article.
Topic Ideas: your number one writing, publishing or marketing tip; a motivational pep talk or inspirational story; a snippet about something you used to be insecure about but overcame, or an Aha moment you had about writing/publishing.
Length: 200 words or less
How to Submit: Send a DOC attachment to Chrys Fey at ChrysFey(at)yahoo(dot)com
Subject Line: IWSG Member Article
*Include a link for your by-line. A title for the piece is also helpful.
We look forward to getting your articles!
Sign up for our free, monthly newsletter to get a dozen or more help links about writing/marketing/publishing as well as a FREE GIFT for signing up!
Are you on Twitter? Follow @TheIWSG to receive writing tweets in your feed. You can also use our hashtag #IWSG. Every Wednesday, tweet your IWSG post with our hashtag and check out the other bloggers who are using the hashtag to share their post.
STAY TUNED for more opportunities throughout the year!
Are you on Twitter? Follow @TheIWSG to receive writing tweets in your feed. You can also use our hashtag #IWSG. Every Wednesday, tweet your IWSG post with our hashtag and check out the other bloggers who are using the hashtag to share their post.
Optional March 1 Question: Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked
it? Did it work out?
*Add this question and your answer to your IWSG Day post, if you struggle with what to post.
Awesome that Heather and Lee are helping out. And thanks for all the helpful info on the group. I just joined the beginning of the year-right before you started announcing the new members. Wish you'd go back to Jan 1st and announce us too. It's good to know all the resources here.
Hi Chrys ... IWSG is so useful to writers and bloggers - and two additional crew - sounds good to me ... cheers Hilary
That's great that there's two new members of the IWSG team! This is such a fabulous resource and keeps getting better and better each month :-) Cheers - Ellen
Welcome Heather and Lee. It's so wonderful to have you here with us. We are going to have a fabulous year.
We have so many ways for writers to connect with us now.
Welcome Heather and C. Lee!
Lots happening indeed. Big welcome, to the new two as they help iwsg even more shine through.
We're growing!
There is so much going on. Congrats to the new admins and welcome to the new members. I need one of those pens.
Heather and Lee, thanks for joining us!
I sometimes forget just how much the group has going on. It really is a wonderful outlet and support group.
@Natalie, hmm...if you joined on January 1st, you should've been included on this list, but Alex provided the names, so maybe he started after the last IWSG Day.
@Toinette, the group is expanding in so many ways. :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog today, and for all that you do for the IWSG. Much appreciated.
I'm excited about more a part of the IWSG team by contributing behind the scenes.
Welcome Heather and Lee! The more the merrier and the wiser the many ;-) Thank you Chrys - and Alex!
This is a wonderful place to come for writers. You are ever so supportive. I like that.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Hooray for Heather and C. Lee!
Thanks for the shout-out on the Hero Lost anthology (somehow I didn't add one to my own post.)
I love IWSG!
Congrats Heather and Lee.
Wow IWSG has lots of stuff now. I ordered some pens. Really cool. Can't wait to read the new anthology. Hope this lets me post. It didn't the other day.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Congrats to C. Lee and Heather!
Thank you for the lovely welcome!
I do love this group!
So many exciting things happening!
Welcome Heather and C. Lee!
So excited to be back. I've missed blogging and the supportive community that comes with it. :)
Finally made it. Glad to see Heather and Lee here! Also new writers. The Anthology sounds like a good read and it is a great opporunity!
Welcome to Heather and C.Lee!
Thanks for this comprehensive post, Chrys!
Yay Heather and C.Lee! Thank you for all of this fabulous information!
Writing has changed my reading experience a lot.
First, I can hardly stand to read fiction anymore. However, when I do, I continually experience distractions from stuff, like font size and type, binding glue quality, and typos. Always typos. I never noticed them before or there weren't any in the good ol' days? I don't know.
When I find a good book (good binding, good editing, AND a good story, I check the publisher and add to my list.
I just don't enjoy much reading anymore, and used to be voracious. Now I only read for my own good, like taking a medicine. :'(
I trust that the most important move any business can make is to invest some energy for making a executive summary for a business plan arrangement for their investment content and after that really holding fast to their arrangement once created.
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