The awesome co-hosts today are Christine Rains, Dolarah @ Book Lover, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Yvonne Ventresca, and LG Keltner!
The August question: What are your pet peeves when reading/writing/editing?
July 27 was the very first IWSG Twitter pitch party, #IWSGPit. And it was a huge success!

On August 24th at 2:00 pm EST, Chrys Fey will be participating in a LIVE YouTube interview with Evan Carmichael, an entrepreneur who she'll be interviewing about his book Your One Word and getting some great advice for IWSG members. You'll be able to watch the interview live HERE. You can set a reminder if you click on the link, or you can watch it later.The video will be uploaded in the August 30th IWSG newsletter issue.
Show Us Your Writer Insecurity!
Are you proud to be an insecure writer?
Then show us!
On Wednesday, October 4 (IWSG Day), post a photo of yourself (or your alter ego) with any of the IWSG swag or with the IWSG logo. Then leave a comment that day at either the IWSG website’s post or the IWSG Facebook post directing us to your photo. (All blog, Facebook, Goodreads, and newsletter members welcome, but photo must be posted on a blog or Facebook to qualify.)
The IWSG site admins will visit each one and pick the top three. Why? Because there are cool prizes involved:
Third place – EBook of A Change of Mind and Other Stories by Nick Wilford, eBook of The Remnant by William Michael Davidson, eBook of Cling to God by Lynda R. Young, eBook of Already Home by Heather M. Gardner, and eBook of Dragon of the Stars by Alex. J. Cavanaugh.
Second place – The entire eBook collection of the Totem series by Christine Rains, eBooks of Princess of Las Pulgas by C. Lee McKenzie, audio book of CassaSeries by Alex J. Cavanaugh, eBook of Black and White by Nick Wilford, and your choice eBook from J.L. Campbell.
Grand prize winner - IWSG website interview, IWSG newsletter spotlight, IWSG pinned tweet for one week, C. Lee McKenzie's Featured Follower for the month, the IWSG Goodreads book club eBook for October/November, a short chapter critique, and a pair of IWSG erasers.
We have some great IWSG swag – notebooks, pens, mugs, tote bags, etc. Proceeds go to fund the upkeep of the IWSG site.
You have two months to prepare – show us your best insecurity!
Did you participate in #IWSGPit? Are you ready to show us your writer insecurity?
Pet peeves...getting distracted? And sudden power out while you're in the middle of a story and then, boom! Black screen. LOL
Awesome that the Twitter contest went so well and that there is another one coming. Great contest in October too for those who can benefit from the grand prize.
Sure still lots on the go and that is the way to be for the IWSG.
We do have a lot happening, which is awesome!
Good luck to Chrys on her forthcoming interview.
Love the idea about the photo contest.
I did! AND.... it was awesome! Thanks to all of the staff at IWSG, agents, and publishers who participated. It was a very happy day for me!
So much happening! Lots of fun!! :)
Congrats on the success of the Twitter pitch. I know it was a lot of work for you guys.
Pet peeves? When I was doing report writing while at work it was getting everything in chronological order. Sometimes that didn't work out well.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
The pitch party was awesome! I'm thrilled for the IWSG and those who tweeted their pitches.
I think I'll definitely do the picture party.
As for the pet peeve? I think it's when I find sections in a book (*coughcough*Xenophobia*cough*) that worked fine on their own but I have to actively rewrite a ton of the book to fit it in cohesively.
Wow ~ so many exciting things in this post, Diane! I'm actually bookmarking it for later reference. I must order some IWSG swag too! Wishing you a fun IWSG Day!
I'm glad to hear the Twitter pitch party went so well!
Thinking ahead to October now and how to best show my writer insecurity. It sounds like fun!
The only thing that we still fear are "People" ... anything else we can "legally" deal with...
we can even get to the point of severe "Panic Attack" (feels mush like onset of heart-attack)... and (after dealing with extreme Trauma) we know How to kill off most everything that we feared... including people... and can "make-shift" most "anything" into an effective weapon... So for our piece of mind and the safety of others we seldom go anywhere without someone else with me...
... You asked "what do we Fear"... guess we fear what we are capable of doing and being in groups (or "gatherings" of People)... will no longer even go to a Store during the Holiday shopping season...
A rather "tough question" and one that makes you Think for a bit...
Congrats on being listed as one of the ten best resources for writers !! As for "Question for August"... we would have to say that we hate being Dyslexic ... the word "the" is on of most often mis-spelled (Numbers are even more easily confused ... often having a couple of digits backwards...
Have a pleasant week, good Sir...
The #IWSGPit was fantastic! And let's see if I can capture a good photo for October. Might let the cat take that photo!
I really appreciate this group, in case I haven't said that lately. You inspire me to keep writing toward (creative) publication. My pet peeve is the misspelling of words, now that we write and publish so quickly. I'm as guilty as anyone, but I wish we took a few extra minutes to proof what we write. This goes for texting and messaging, too. Happy Wednesday!
The pitch party seemed like it was fun and really productive. I simply hated I didn't have anything to pitch.
My pet peeves involve interruptions.
The Show Your Writer Insecurity blog fest will be fun. I'm totally into that.
So many fun and exciting events. You guys do such a great job. Thank you for all you do.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Hi Diane - it's great watching the IWSG from the sidelines - I pick up loads of interesting info - just delighted the pitch party appears to have been so successful - clever idea -cheers Hilary
What a cool contest idea!
As a reader, my pet peeves usually involve bad writing in general, but I dislike the attitude by some that the bigger publishers automatically guarantee "perfect" books. I can't tell you how many times my husband has pointed out errors in G.R.R. Martin's books . . . and we all know he does NOT rush anything, haha!
I can't remember if I boosted the ISWG Twitter party! :o
This photo contest looks fun, though.
Here's one of my insecurities--
When I come back from a conference, I have a million and one ideas and to-dos swirling in my head, but I'm so tired that I can't catch a single one to work on. When I'm rested, I know 99% will have fled the scene.
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