Wednesday, November 4, 2020

#IWSG - To snack or not to snack! That is today's musing.

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the November 4 posting of the IWSG are Jemi Fraser, Kim Lajevardi, L.G Keltner, Tyrean Martinson, and Rachna Chhabria!

November 4 optional question - Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write? 


 It's my turn to post on the main blog and I'm late! I even have my calendar set to send me a reminder and I still managed to screw it up!

But...I'm here now and I'd like to talk about something that's really important to writers...


There are a few types of writers.

Those that eat snacks while they write.

Those that don't eat snacks while they write.


Those that eat snacks as a reward system.

Those that eat snacks when they can't write. 

Those that forget to eat all together.


 What type am I? All of the above. Except that last one. I don't think I've ever forgotten to eat. :)

If you're wondering why beverages were left out of this post, its only because beverages are imperative to writers.

So, do you have a writer snack type? What's a favorite snack? Do you need a snack intervention?



The next #IWSGPit will be in January 20, 2021
8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Create a Twitter-length pitch for your completed and polished manuscript and leave room for genre, age, and the hashtag. On January 20, 2021, Tweet your pitch. If your pitch receives a favorite/heart from a publisher/agent check their submission guidelines and send your requested query.

Many writers have seen their books published from a Twitter pitch - it’s a quick and easy way to put your manuscript in front of publishers and agents. 

Go HERE for more info and the rules!


Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Heather! I've never forgotten to eat, writing or not. Both Terry and I having been snacking worse than ever over the last 28 hours or so. I'll call our recent binge stress snacking because we're waiting on election results. Thanks for some much needed levity on this difficult day for Americans. All the best to you!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hot Tamales! Bring them on.

nashvillecats2 said...

Grerat post Heather and an important one too. If I get too involved in writing I tend to forget to eat. So keep snacks beisdes my laptop now.
Have a good Novemeber, keep safe and well.


A Hundred Quills said...

Nice one! I'm off snacking for now. Need to shed the quarantine weight. Normally I'm the cookie person. Oops! Now you know why I'm off snacking!

Sonia from

Emily Carey said...
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Anstice Brown said...

Chocolate and biscuits are my favourite writing snacks. I need the sugar to fuel my imagination.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I try not to snack, but I love chips, crackers, cookies, and candy.

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Ha Heather, mouth watering. More of a forget to eat type myself .... Happy IWSG week.

Leigh Caron said...

I don't snack while I write but I do that is. And mineral water. I always use my appetite to get me
away from the computer and take a break.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I try not to snack, but...I do, usually between writing sessions - or before, or after.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Fundy – The election stress is VERY real. Take care!
Alex – Whenever I see these in the store, I think of you!
Yvonne – I like that you get carried away w/ writing!
Sonia – It’s very hard to shed the pounds. Good luck!
Anstice – Sugar is always a good choice!!
Natalie – I do love the chips!
Susan – I wish I could forget to eat!
Leigh – That’s a great incentive to get up from the computer!
Tyrean – Hmmm, is right. But, its all good. I won’t tell!

Thanks for the comments!

Nick Wilford said...

I don't snack while writing, but that's only because I write first thing after breakfast and that isn't a snacking time for me. It's probably as well I don't write in the afternoon because I'd have a dangerous intake of chocolate and crisps (or chips as you would call them!)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Heather - I don't snack ... if I do - then I stop completely ... otherwise the keyboard and keys get very gungy - not a good idea. Love the images ... take care - Hilary

Juneta key said...

My favorite snack is white cheddar popcorn and Chester Cheetos Corn Puffs and Coffee--oh wait coffee is not a food group or snack, right? ;) Oh did I forget to say chocolate--I did, didn't I?

Love the memes.

Pat Hatt said...

I don't eat while I write but I do take breaks and get up and maybe snack a bit. Stretch and eat, easy peasy lol

Samantha Bryant said...

I don't eat while I write usually, but I do drink tea . . .and when it's going well, the tea gets cold and I have to go warm it up! @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act

Liza said...

I don't usually eat when I write. "Snacking" generally implies finger food and that often means sticky or greasy fingers...which I prefer to keep away from my keyboard. A cup of coffee though, well, if I'm writing in the morning, that's a joy.