Monday, August 14, 2023

Finding Keywords for Your Book

What is a keyword? A keyword is a word or phrase that describes your book. It’s what someone would enter when searching for your book, much like how people search for websites and information online.

Your book already has one to three genres associated with it which helps with discoverability, but keywords take it even further. They let you get specific regarding your book’s content. They help readers find your book.

And of course, good keywords are rarely single words. Several words together in a phrase do much better. If you were searching online for a table, you wouldn’t type in “table.” That would pull up everything from end tables to picnic tables. You would be specific: “Oak dining table that seats eight.” And that’s how you need to think when creating keywords.

Keywords can be used several places. The back cover content, your short synopsis, and listed with the website/company publishing your book. Even your title is important.

So, how do you go about finding the right keywords?

First, brainstorm as many keywords and phrases as possible that describe your book. Everything from content to setting. Don’t hold back, either. You can also check similar books to see what categories they are popular in and then use those categories as phrases if they fit your book.

Go to Amazon and start typing those phrases. See what they pull up. It will also give you new ideas and even more keywords to use. You are usually allowed between seven and ten keywords, so giving yourself a large selection from which to choose is the best chance at coming up with the very best ones.

Another handy tool is Publisher Rocket. You insert the keywords and it will tell you how well they rank based on searches, sales, and competition. (It’s my favorite tool.) It’s based on Amazon, but it’s safe to say those algorithms fit elsewhere.

You do want to be careful with keywords. Don’t use a competitor’s title or author’s name. Don’t use phrases such as “best-selling.” Don’t repeat keywords over & over or try to game the system. And of course, don’t use keywords that don’t fit your book. No false advertising.

You can always change keywords, too. Perhaps the book’s description lacks the best keywords. Maybe it’s even the title. Adjusting keywords in a title that’s not selling well might make all the difference in the world.

For more help with choosing categories:
KDP Amazon
How to Choose the Best Kindle eBook Category
Nonfiction Keywords
Fiction Keywords

Do you have a list of keywords for each of your titles? How did you come up with those keywords?


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

A great reminder that I need to update my keywords! Thanks. :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the tips on figuring out keywords.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Great tips for keywords!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - to me that's an excellent summary for anyone looking to utilise keywords ... cheers Hilary

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I hope this has been helpful to everyone!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

This is very helpful. I've never been overly creative in choosing my key words.

PJ Colando said...

Thanks for taking time to remind and inform -

Patricia JL said...

Publisher Rocket is up there as one of the purchases I'm glad I made.