We all know that strong opening lines which hook the reader, and make him want to read more, are crucial to your novel.
is the initial meet and greet: a handshake, what's your name, where do you
live, what do you do for a living...
this stage, you form an impression of the person. You may/may not warm to him.
you really "click" with this individual, then the small talk may
extend to a lengthy conversation.
your opening sentence. Is it equivalent to a "limp handshake" or a
it have the impact of a gunshot? So that when the "smoke clears", the
reader will still be engrossed in the story, with the shot reverberating in his
ears? Or is it the pop of a tiny firecracker?
it in the category of "small talk" or "captivating
Some writers feel that good lines matter, irrespective of where they occur in your story. As long as you have them.
If the opening is unforgettable, then good and well. After all, it's not the end of the world if the opening doesn't shine. Do you agree?
at your favorite stories. Do they all begin with memorable lines? Probably not.
to share your favorite opening line with us?
Those opening lines are really important. I love your comparison between a "limp handshake" and "a firm grip." Perfect.
Here's one opening line I like: The first thing I did was hide the knife.
Comparing it to first meeting someone is brilliant. I definitely want a gunshot!
I'm fascinated by opening sentences/paragraphs, so much so that I sometimes just visit many books on Amazon's "look inside" where I can find them without reading much more.
Openings are far more pivotal in awakening a prospective agent or editor's interest than they are an indication of "the rest of the story." An opening can be easily changed/revised later, so it's a pity they are all-important at the selling stage before we even get to publication. But it is what it is.
Long ago, Dickens mastered the first sentence trick. His are still the best of the best.
Hi Michelle - lovely to see you here - and what an interesting article ... with the comments too - and you're right we do need to be engaged. My graphic novel on Dickens is leant to a friend at the moment - I must check it out when I get it back tomorrow ... re Mirka's comment. I like her idea of 'look inside' and using that as a thought process.
I hope the elections will turn out to have a successful and peaceful result. Cheers Hilary
The opening is SO important.
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