The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!
The awesome co-hosts for the February 5 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!
February 5 question - Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change?
Perhaps it’s a trunk story you just haven’t pulled out again for whatever reason.
Maybe it’s a short story you submitted without success.
It could be a published story, one that you know you need to edit but haven’t done so or felt it easier just to take it down.
And there’s the possibility it’s a story or book through a publisher that you might not be able to change.
Do any of your stories fall into any of those categories? If you want to change or edit it, why haven’t you/can’t you?
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Last month, we partnered with Reedsy for their writing prompts contest. The theme was Great Expectations and there were hundreds of entries. The IWSG admins were the final round of judging and we selected “Humanity’s Rebirth” by Reese Blaise as the winner. You can view the top three winners and read their entries HERE. Congratulations to the winner and top entries and thank you to everyone who entered.
Is there a story you’d like to change and why?
Congrats to the winners of the contest!
I actually do have my first ever manuscript stored away. I just rememembered now. I haven't looked at it for 30 years. I should. Congratulations to all the winners!
Joylene, do it! I had one that old and it became my first published book.
I have more than 25 romances I received my rights back from a small press. I'd rewrite all of them before I would publish them on my own.
Another good question, Alex.
I just found one I'd forgotten about,too. I'm kind of nervous to see what I wrote so many years ago. Hope you take that look at yours and it start you on the road to another tale.
Congrats, Reese!
Susan, that is a LOT of books to edit and rewrite.
Please read my post
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