Monday, June 30, 2014

7 Ways to Grow Your Blog

Most of us have recovered from the frantic, sometimes exhausting, challenge of the A to Z Blog hop. Hopefully during that time some new readers found your blog and you found a number of interesting sites to follow. But perhaps the numbers on your blog have stagnated. Are you picking up new followers on a regular basis? If not, what are some ways you can do that?

1. Bring readers to you. Announce your post on Twitter, Facebook and on Google+. Remember to use an attention-grabbing title on your post. (Use those numbers.) And add a short description to your link so readers want to check it out.

2. Another way to bring readers to you is to join in smaller blog hops that are a one and done or a monthly or weekly happening. (Like IWSG!) Recently I joined in The Then and Now Movie blog hop. Not a huge group and easy to visit everyone during a really interesting hop.

3. There are other ways to go out and find some great blogs. Most of them will follow you back. Check out the sidebar of your favorite blogs. Chances are they will have a list of their favorite blogs there. Click on them and you'll find some blogs you might want to follow. You can meet some nice people from my sidebar on Susan Says.

4. Many times when you're reading your favorite blogs, the poster will also be guesting on another site. Follow those guest post links to find other interesting blogs.

5. And when you're posting your announcements on Facebook and Twitter, don't forget to click on the links other bloggers are sharing in those same venues. They're searching for soul mate bloggers too.

6. Read the comments when you're commenting on someone's post. If you see a comment that is insightful, supportive or perhaps just entertaining, find that blog. You might meet someone interesting.

7. And remember all the rules of blog etiquette. Return comments, post regularly, make your content interesting and relevant to your blog theme.

Don't forget, Wednesday is the monthly posting for IWSG. A great time to grow your blog audience. What suggestions could you add to the above list? Have you found interesting blogs through Facebook or Twitter? Do you have an interesting blog hop that isn't the massive event of A to Z that works well in introducing you to new bloggers?

Don't forget IWSG Wednesday!

Susan Gourley writes epic fantasy and romance as Susan Kelley. Find her blog at Susan Says.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - great post ... when I started bloggin I looked at others' comments and followed along that way and made some great friends over time.

Wonderful ideas you've given us - I keep saying I'm going to get into FB and Tw .. and it will happen sometime!

Excellent post and tips to follow - cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That last one is important! Shame to find a new and interesting blog and that person doesn't interact with you.

Christine Rains said...

Excellent advice. Blog building is slow, but it's worth meeting every reader.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Good tips. I don't usually see new followers unless I've joined a blog hop, and then I'll meet one or two new people. You really do need to be open to meeting anyone. Sometimes you don't find out what a great connection you have with someone until after you get to know them over a few blog posts. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Blogfests are great ways to generate new followers.

Murees Dupè said...

Great tips and advice. Thank you.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Thanks, Hilary, for backing up that idea.
Alex, I learned a lot about blog etiquette from you.
Christine, it does go slow at times.
LG and L. Diane, those bloghops are effective.
Thanks for visiting Murees. Hope some of it helped.

Pat Hatt said...

Great tips indeed, the cat has them all down. But yeah many fail to follow the last one. They think if they follow you that is it, pfffft to them.

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks for these, Susan. Most often, I don't get around to as many people as I'd like.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You said it just right as usual, Pat.
I know what you mean, JL. I never get around as much as I intend.

cleemckenzie said...

You're right. Apply the same principals to online socializing as you do to in-person socializing. Be consistent, be interesting and interested, mingle. Lovely post to sum everything up.

Jemi Fraser said...

Great tips Susan! I also like when blogs have the social media icons near the comment section - makes it easy to promote my buddies!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You're so write, C.Lee. Using good manners gets us everywhere.
Jemi, that's a great reminder.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I am amazed that Alex does all these things and more. He's really a true role model. I even had authors ask me how to get comments when they admit they don't visit any bloggers. Amazing, eh. Great post, Susan~!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Susan,
Nice to be here again
Great reminder for the wednesday
I just missed the previous ones
Hope this time I can make it!
Hey this is really nice to read!
Great tips to all newbies as well as the veterans. I liked the one you said about the side bar post and clicking on it and of course posting constructive and thought provoking informative comments! that surely catch the attention fo that blog readers there are every chance to drop few of those readers! Great thoughts
Keep writing
Best Regards
~ Philip

Michelle Wallace said...

Blog hops are a great way to connect with new people.
It's time-consuming, but the bottom line is, you have to reach out... visit other bloggers now and again...
Thanks for the tips, Susan.

Anonymous said...

Great points. I've been slacking off on number 7 though. Life has been tiring, so I've managed to reply to comments on my blog, but haven't visited back as much as I'd like. Hoping to remedy that soon.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Great tips, Susan. It's all about interaction, consistency, and interesting topics.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan... Great advice here. I've been blogging for almost a year now but still consider myself a newbie. There is so much to learn, even to this day. Then again, we can always learn something new from one another. I think each one of us has something special to offer from our experiences and blogging.
And one thing is for sure- support is key when connecting and staying in touch with other authors and bloggers. The online community has such an incredibly wide range of writers so it's always interesting to visit and make new acquaintances.

Anonymous said...

Good reminder of what we should be doing. Thanks. Try to do most of these but some days I don't get round more than a half dozen blogs. So off to visit Susan's before I forget.

Lori L. MacLaughlin said...

Thanks for the great tips! Reminders like this are always helpful.

Fundy Blue said...

Thanks for all the tips, Susan! I've met some amazing people just by reading the comments on the first few blogs I read. An old friend suggested that I try blogging. He was so encouraging and supportive. And then his husband got behind me. There was no turning back. I've learned a great deal from Pat Hatt, and it was through him I met Alex and the IWSG. I always try to be kind and encouraging in return.

M Pax said...

Yes, I check out articles that interest me on Twitter all the time. Sometimes on FB.

Networking on our blogs is definitely a very valuable tool.

Truedessa said...

This was a very informative post and I liked the tips. Keep them coming..