The awesome co-hosts today are Christopher D. Votey, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Fundy Blue, and Chrys Fey!
April 5 Question: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z Challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book? What were the results?
If you’ve not had an opportunity to join yet, the IWSG Goodreads Book Club just selected its first writing book. You have until the end of May to read it, so there’s still time.
The IWSG Twitter Pitch - #IWSGPit takes place July 27. The list of participating agents and publishers continues to grow and it’s a great opportunity for writers. Join us for the event in July - Twitter pitch parties are a lot of fun.
In less than one month, the next IWSG anthology will be released - Hero Lost: The Mysteries of Death and Life. Twelve fantasy stories involving a lost hero from twelve talented authors.
Follow the Lost Hero blog and please support the Thunderclap campaign. They need just a couple more supporters.
What are your insecurities today? Are you taking part of the A to Z Challenge?
Great to see what's happening with the IWSG! Twitter pitch sounds amazing. Looking forward to it. And the book club sounds like fun. Hopefully I'll have the time to fit it in...
Thanks for sharing the news L. Diane!
Interesting post Diane, I used to belong to Twitter when I lived in my last apartment but since being here have not got around to signing up again.
I've never done the A to Z Challenge because it involved work. Since I retired from a high stress, heavy workload job, I tend to avoid anything too difficult. Okay, challenges. I do enjoy reading other peoples posts though.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Can't believe how quickly the time is passing. Can't wait to get heroes lost on my shelf.
Love seeing all that this group is doing. Hoping to get the book for the book club at my library and read before the discussion starts.
Lots of things happening. Wonderful for us writers!
Hi Diane - it's a great group, and now with many more ideas and creative thoughts there's lots of marketing opportunities I can see. Congratulations on the new anthology - amazing ... cheers Hilary
The IWSG is growing!
No to A to Z but cheering everyone else on,
' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Having trouble with the A to Z and seem to be having trouble here too, since I've only had three visitors today from either group - well, I haven't had any from either group, they've all been regulars, some of whom found me from IWSG.
But it's only the first week, and obviously writing about Distractions from writing is not everybody's cup of tea.
So to answer your question about taking advantage of the AtoZ to promote your books.... the lack of the list has killed it.
Jemima feeling frustrated and Distracted.
Sure a happening spot with going ons a lot
I'd love to take part in the A-Z challenge again, just like last year, but truth be told... it just takes up way too much of my precious time, while other projects would be put on the back burner again. Some busy times coming up for the IWSG as well!!!
This will be the 2nd year in a row I've missed A to Z. Just too much going on to even think about ideas, much less execute on them for a month. :)
I've never done the A-Z Challenge, or the Nanowrimo. I'm not good with deadlines, especially when it's just up to me to meet them! I'm a SLOW writer! Good luck to all the participants!
I'm not doing the A to Z this year, but I'm cheering everyone on! Maybe next year I'll get a really early start. :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Because of IWSG, I feel like legit in calling myself a writer.
I'm looking forward to the anthology and supported the Thunderclap.
The group is growing fast! Lots of exciting things happening...
I just realized that I don't think I check IWSG enough. You guys have an Anthology?! Who's in it? Are you doing another one? How do you get in it? 8D
I haven't tried this challenge actually. But I see a lot of posts that are interesting and fun. Maybe soon.
Great to see what's happening with the IWSG! Twitter pitch sounds amazing. Looking forward to it. And the book club sounds like fun. Hopefully I'll have the time to fit it in...
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Interesting post Diane, I used to belong to Twitter when I lived in my last apartment but since being here have not got around to signing up again.
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