Monday, September 14, 2020

Finding Your Book’s Target Audience & Benefits and Filling a Need

Three things that will not only help with marketing but also in writing your book: audience, benefits, and filling a need. Ask yourself:

• Who is my target audience?
• What are my book’s benefits?
• Does my book fill a need?

Let’s consider audience first. Create a reader profile sheet. This can guide you when writing the book, but the greatest benefit comes when you’re ready to begin marketing. Write down the following aspects as they relate to your target audience:

• Age
• Gender
• Income bracket
• Location
• What are their hobbies and interests?
• Where do they shop?
• Where do they frequent?
• What magazines, websites, and news sites do they read?
• What are their needs?
• Where do they hang out online?

Fill in as much information as possible. Refer back often to your reader profile and continue to add details. The more you know about your readers, the better you can tailor your book to appeal to them. (Still write the story you want to write but be aware of what your audience likes.) Really get to know them. It will also be that much easier to reach them when you’re ready to promote.

Now, what are your book’s benefits? How will it enrich your readers’ lives?
Are they reading for entertainment? Will your book amuse them? Will you help them to escape their everyday lives? Will they enjoy the experience?

Are they reading for enrichment? Will your book deliver meaningful and deep views? Will readers be moved by the experience?

Are they reading for information? Will your book expand their knowledge and understanding?

Are they reading to better their lives? Will your book help them save time or money? Will it provide healthier options? Can your book solve their problems?

This is where you really need to place yourself in your reader’s shoes. There are millions of books on the market. Why should they read yours? “They’ll enjoy it” is not enough. You must give people compelling reasons to read your book, appealing to their logic, their emotions, or both. Brainstorm every possible benefit.

Finally, does your book fill a need? There are several aspects to consider.

Does your book provide information people are actively seeking? Is it new information or a unique take on a subject? Are changes in the world (technological, political, etc.) making this information necessary or beneficial?
v Is your book tied to events, locations, or people? Is there a demand for this information? If other books already exist, will you provide new or more current details?

If a work of fiction, is it part of a new or growing trend? (Current trends will be on the slide by the time your book hits the market.) Is your story unique and fresh? Is there a demand for the storyline or specific genre?

That’s a lot of questions! However, the more you can answer, and in as much detail as possible, the better equipped your book will be to succeed.


Natalie Aguirre said...

Great tips, Diane. I really think it's important to know why you are writing a story and what need it fills, especially with all the books out there. Thanks for all the questions to help us think about this as we write.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I need to do that for my next book.

nashvillecats2 said...

Good tips Diane, can always rely on you to help authors.


Jemi Fraser said...

Excellent tips!! Knowing the audience is such a key in this business!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wonderful tips, Diane!
Thank you!

Pat Hatt said...

Sure a lot to answer indeed. Can't I just put it out? lol another question. Great tips to make one dig deeper.

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cleemckenzie said...

This is such an important part of publishing. Great article.

PJ Colando said...

"Create a reader profile" - what an extraordinary, yet back-to-basics idea. Thanks for the ideas, Diane

PJ Colando said...

'Create a reader profile - what an extraordinary, yet back-to-basics idea. Thanks, Diane