Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
December's Optional question is: In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?
Many thanks to our awesome co-hosts for the December 1 posting. PJ Colando, Diane Burton, Louise – Fundy Blue, Natalie Aguirre, and Jacqui Murray, you guys rock!
Greetings Fellow Insecure Writers,
2021 is winding down. (Pause for disbelief and a head shake.) We've made it through another year of global turmoil. (Pause for a pat on the back.) I hope that all of us in the IWSG have made it to the end of this year better than simply surviving. I hope we've all made it to the end with our faith in humanity still in tact and that we all found at least a few reasons to smile in 2021.
How about you? Can you think of some glimmer of sunshine that shined on you in 2021? If you can, share it in the comments. If you haven't. I'm sorry. (Pause for virtual hugs.) Fell free to also share your griefs in the comments too, because we care. That's the hallmark of the IWSG. It's not just a group for the nuts and bolts of writing, we also care about the concerns that cause our insecurities too.
Now for the IWSG news and info:
Juneta Key is now the Instagram Admin. If you have an Instagram account, be sure to follow. Juneta will be sharing group info, updates, and I'm sure will be sprinkling some fun writerly stuff in here and there.
Now for the IWSG news and info:
Juneta Key is now the Instagram Admin. If you have an Instagram account, be sure to follow. Juneta will be sharing group info, updates, and I'm sure will be sprinkling some fun writerly stuff in here and there.
And be on the look out! January is coming. That means we will have new anthology winners to be announced and the Twitter Pitch is coming!
The next #IWSGPit will be in January 26, 2022, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
This month's book picks:
I got a book deal, so that was a good thing!
Alex, that is a great thing. My oldest son got married to a wonderful young woman, so that definitely was a reason for me to smile!
I've had a lot of good things happen this year. It's been great seeing my family, my daughter bought her first house and got engaged, and I've been writing more.
Hi, Elizabeth! I had lots of reasons to smile this year. The biggest smile went to my husband surviving a terrible heart attack out of nowhere. Because we raced for the hospital early in the event, he lived and recovered well. There are so many reasons he should have died, but he didn't, and I am grateful beyond my ability to express. We hear so much about what is bad with humanity and our world. But I know many amazing people who do so much in their corners of the world to benefit the people around them. I love what you said about the IWSG, and I agree whole-heartedly. Have a lovely holiday season!
It's been a very dark year, but we did build an outdoor kitchen and I got to do several cons in person again. The ONLY way to do them!
I managed to pull off a virtual writer's conference in May after many long hours of stress and work. And my daughter made it home safe from Jordan. I'll keep the sad to myself.
Congrats, Alex!
It has been a rough year, BUT, I finally had my wonderful vacation to Colorado. I had to postpone last year because of Covid and the fires... Looking forward to a brighter future and new year with better health, some prosperity, and a few wonderful surprises.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Hi Elizabeth - good to hear about your son and new DIL - so pleased for you and the family. I'm just lucky to be peaceful and coping - which I wish for everyone - all the best to you for the festive season. Cheers Hilary
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