It’s been fun in recent weeks reading about the most enjoyed and/or best books of 2024, whether it was an article by a blogging buddy, Barnes & Noble, or the New York Times. Without readers, writers would be out of work.
Writers need to read too. But, as a writer, are you reading enough? It’s an important question to ask, especially with all the demands in our busy lives.
But shouldn’t you devote all of your available time to writing rather than allocating some of it to reading? Definitely not!
Reading ~ A Worthwhile Pursuit
Aurora, Colorado, USA
January 9, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved
If you research what authors say about the importance of reading to writing, you will find many thoughts on the connection between the two. One of my favorite quotes is Stephen King’s, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that. Reading is the creative center of a writer’s life.” Stephen King’s On Writing. A Memoir of the Craft Another favorite of mine is Annie Proulx’s “You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.” Goodreads
Here are five benefits of reading for writers:
1. Reading improves our language and writing skills: When we read, we unconsciously pick up writing techniques like extending our vocabulary, improving our phrasing, using effective dialogue, and understanding structure.
If we consciously read like a writer, we can analyze the writer's word choices, grammar, point of view, plotting, pacing, setting, and characterization and decide what makes it effective or not. Then we can use this knowledge to improve our writing.
When I read a great book, I often read it a second time to understand how the author made it great. And sometimes, I'll reread a not-so-great book to understand how the author missed the mark.
Great Fun! Reading a Friend's Books and Asking Him Questions About His Writing
Fellow IWSG Admin Pat Hatt and I
Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 27, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved
2. Reading improves our thinking: We are bombarded daily by eye-catching social media that is fragmenting our attention and decreasing our ability to concentrate. By engaging with more complex texts, like an essay or a book, we can learn to focus our attention better and to improve our ability to concentrate. This in turn sustains us when we grapple with the challenges of writing.
3. Reading broadens our experience: George R. R. Martin wrote in A Dance with Dragons, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” Goodreads
When we read widely across genres, we expose ourselves to different perspectives, cultures, places, and times. Reading increases our ability to understand and to have empathy for people different from us. These experiences can ignite our imaginations and inspire ideas for our own writing.
4. Reading helps us understand the publishing market: Reading books in the genres you write helps you know what has already been written, what trends are emerging, what your target audience prefers, and how to improve your writing for the current market.
5. It's fun! If it's not, you might ask yourself why you are writing. Would you want to eat a meal prepared by a chef who didn't like food? Or dive with a divemaster who hated the ocean?
So, as a writer, are you reading enough?
Perhaps you can share other reasons for spending some of your valuable time reading.
I'd love to hear them!
What was your favorite read in 2024?
Mine was actually the last two books in Cixin Liu's The Three Body Problem series: The Dark Forest and Death's End. Mind blowing story, compelling characters, brilliant writing, philosophy, and quantum physics ~ After reading this series, I can never look at the universe in the same way as I once innocently did.
Pam Allyn, a renowned literacy expert, educator, and author said, “Reading is like breathing in; writing is like breathing out. literacy worldwide
May you breathe deeply, in and out.
Till next time ~
Fundy Blue.