Saturday, April 16, 2016

Writing Resources - N - NaNoWriMo

Strictly speaking, Nanowrimo isn't a resource, but since it has helped millions of writers the world over, it has earned its place as an icon in the world of scribes.

Writers over the globe anticipate National Novel Writing Month (November each year) which is when they can cast aside their inhibition and lock up their internal editor while writing to their heart's content.

The aim is to write 50,000 words in 30 days and while many do not have a complete novel at the end of November, a vast amount of writers go on to polish and publish their NaNo novels in the following months.

Nanowrimo is so immensely popular, it has spawned CampNaNoWriMo (that's where you write a novel in a month) and A Young Writer's Programme. In 2015, over a billion words were written during NaNowrimo.

If you haven't yet tried it, pop on over to the site and see if it may possibly be your big adventure in 2016.


Michelle Wallace said...

The thought of NaNoWriMo terrifies me. I think it's because I'm more inclined towards flash fiction PLUS I write slow.
I've come to the conclusion that the only way I'll manage NaNoWriMo, will be as a NaNo Rebel, writing a story collection that will add up to 50,000 words.
Anybody know of a group for NaNoWriMo Rebels?
Writer In Transit

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I wrote my second book during NaNa and the third during BunMo, which is in June. I need a kick in the butt to finish, so NaNo is perfect for me.

Pat Hatt said...

I can get that done with ease, so never felt needed to try at my sea. But awesome for those that need it indeed.

cleemckenzie said...

Nope. Not for me. As soon as I tell myself I have to write something or set down X number of words, my brain goes off line.

Nicola said...

I've not yet participated. We'll see if I'm enticed to take part this November. Takes a lot of planning ahead.

Roland Clarke said...

Done NaNoWriMo four times and completed the 'challenge' three times. But yet to get any of those drafts to the publishing line. I have a habit of starting and never finishing = failure to have the confidence to share my work.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have never tried NaNo but someday I'm going to be at the right spot in starting a manuscript or finishing one, and I'm going to jump in.

Susan Says

Mark Paul said...


I have tried many times to do NaNoMo... and I have failed time and again. I have to write what I want, when I want. That is how I have always done it.

Thank you so very much for visiting my page. Yes I left off a few, well quite a few Biblical M's unfortunately.

For those who have not seen my page, stop by and let me know what you think. Here is my link,;postID=3966424464101859306;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link

Juneta key said...

Love NaNo, I am doing Camp April NaNo and will probably do July too. I have a little over 5000 words right now. My set goal for camp is 25000. Great post.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Sadira Stone said...

I've "won" Nano twice. I find it a great way to churn out a big chunk of first draft.
@RhondaGilmour from
Late Blooming Rose

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I have never tried it, and honestly, I'm not sure I will. November in my neck of the woods is hectic. I don't know how you guys find the time or the energy. But never say never, right? Maybe one day.

Lux G. said...

Looking forward to reading more novels in the coming days.

J.L. Campbell said...

Michelle, I totally understand but the fun is in trying. I like the idea of a NaNo rebel group.

Alex, like you, I've gotten some great books out of NaNo.

Patt, yes, to each his own.

Lee, I understand that too. With me, I seem to produce more under deadline conditions.

Nicola, the advance planning comes in helpful when November sets in.

Roland, good job. Now to build up your confidence to finish and get your baby out.

Susan, good luck. I hope the opportunity comes soon.

Thanks for dropping in, Paul.

Thanks, Juneta. NaNo rocks!

That's right, Rhonda.

You never know, Joylene. November always turns crazy for me, but somehow I keep writing.

Thanks for dropping in, Lux.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

It's grown so much.

Jemima Pett said...

Sorry I'm so late to comment on this... I was at Camp Nano :)
Jemima Pett